Welcome to the Vfast Internet Article House

Hello to all our Vfast customers and (hopefully) future customers, and welcome to our Article House. 

Vman Wave

Today we have created our Article House (otherwise known as blog, but we house all our articles here so Article House made sense, what do you think?) and here we post our first article. Hoorah! 

We want to use this space to educate, inform and most importantly, help our customers and prospects. 

Vfast Internet was created in 2007, we have so much history, but I don't even have time to go into that as we have even more in the future, we have got more to fit in the next 24 months than we did in the last 15 years!

Vfast Internet have a goal to improve the experience for our existing customers, while also making things easier for our new customers to come onboard. We hope to be able to meet some of that objective here, in our Article House, with helpful information and a translation of some of the jargon you see in the world of broadband. 

If there is anything you want to see here please do let us know. The whole purpose of this space is to be of value to you so don't hesitate to speak to us 📞✉️ 💬, we always want to hear from you. 

You can also keep an eye on all things Vfast on our social media, which is full of helpful hints, updates and a bit of humour thrown in because quite frankly, we all need a smile from time to time!

Until the next one.....Vfast Internet_Icon_Full Colour

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