Average Device Usage in the UK

Average Device Usage in the UK 

Do you know how long you spend every day on your computer or smartphone.  

Is your daily use considered safe, or do you need to reduce your screen time? 

Screen time refers to the amount of time a typical person spends interacting with electronic screens, such as computers and laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, and other digital devices.  

 Examples of screen time include watching/streaming movies and TV shows online (on platforms like: 



Amazon Prime 

 online shopping, social media, chatting with family and friends via video streaming, online gaming, and much more. 

Social media alone accounts for approx. 1 hour 52 minutes daily in the UK, which is a third of overall screentime. With so many social media platforms available from Facebook, to TikTok to X, it is easy to see why it can monopolise so much time. 

The average time spent on devices in the UK has seen significant growth since the pandemic, especially with the rise of digital media, remote work, and online entertainment and streaming services.  

  • Smartphones: Users in the UK spend an average of 3 hours daily on their mobile devices (Data Reportal). 
  • Television: The same report shows that UK adults watch about 3 hours and 12 minutes of TV per day, with over 7 million tuning in for Sex Education on Netflix and The Mandalorian still the most viewed Disney+ show in 2023.  


  • Post Pandemic: Four in five UK parents believe their children’s screen time has gone up since the pandemic. 

What is considered a recommended healthy screen time? 

Health experts and organisations provide guidelines to help individuals balance their screen time with other healthy activities to ensure a more balanced lifestyle. 

Limiting screen time will also benefit your health by reducing strain on your eyes and back related issues, as you will be moving more frequently and not sitting in the same position for large quantities of time. 

General recommendations include the following: 

For Adults: 

  • Work Use: While screen time for work or education can be necessary, it's important to take regular breaks. The 20-20-20 rule suggests taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away to reduce eye strain. 
  • Leisure Use: Limiting recreational screen time to about 2 hours per day is recommended by many health organisations. 

For Children and Teenagers: 

  • Younger Children (2-5 years): The UK’s Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) suggests no more than 1 hour of screen time per day for young children, focusing on high-quality content.   
  • Older Children and Teenagers (6-18 years): The RCPCH advises parents to ensure screen time does not interfere with sleep, physical activity, and other healthy behaviours. Generally, 1-2 hours of recreational screen time per day is considered healthy. 

Balancing Screen Time and Healthy Activities 

  1. Physical Activity: The NHS recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week for adults. This will ensure you are away from any screens and focusing on a different activity. 
  2. Sleep: Ensure screen time does not interfere with your sleep. The NHS recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults. Keep your digital devices away from your sleeping area to avoid the temptation to continue checking your devices throughout the night. 
  3. Social Interaction: Balance screen time with face-to-face interactions by spending time with family and friends. Engaging in social activities is crucial for mental well-being and will give your eyes and back a much-needed rest.
  4. Hobbies and Interests: Allocate time for non-digital hobbies and interests, such as reading, cooking, gardening, or sports. 

While the average UK adult spends a significant amount of time on devices each day, it's essential to strive for a balance to ensure your screen time is safe, doesn’t become a detriment to your social life, and doesn’t cause any health-related issues in the future. 

Following recommended guidelines, taking regular breaks, ensuring adequate sleep, and incorporating a variety of activities into your daily routines can help ensure a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. 

We hope you have found this blog useful. 

The VFast Team 

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